Why Is Sustainable Packaging Important?

why is sustainable packaging important

Everywhere you go, you hear more and more about sustainability in business. It’s top of mind these days. You might be wondering what all the buzz is about.

Sustainable packaging is a relatively recent development in the shipping industry; it’s a movement that’s sweeping North America. So, what is sustainable packaging

It’s any product that:

  • Is made of materials that were sourced sustainably (ex: from a responsibly managed forest
  • Is designed to be recyclable or degradable
  • Limits any unnecessary or excess packaging materials
  • Is made of recycled materials
  • Still offers the protection you need to ship products safely 

Not only is eco-friendly packaging better for the environment, but it’s better for your business, too. At SupremeX, we’re covering the main reasons why you should consider switching to sustainable packaging:


Unsustainable Packaging Has Real Consequences

Why are so many companies changing their ways? As time goes on, we’re seeing the effects of resource depletion and pollution on the environment. For example:

    • Many packaging materials take years to break down. One of the main issues with plastic packaging? Long after it’s done being used, plastic remains on the planet, clogging up our oceans and landfills. 
    • Our natural resources won’t last forever. We only have so much water, fossil fuels, and trees on our planet, and we’re using these resources faster than we can replace them.
  • Pollution is a growing problem. When we throw something away, we typically forget all about it. But that material is sent to a landfill site where it’s broken down using an incineration process. This cycle contributes to air pollution. 

Environmentally-friendly packaging addresses these issues in the following ways:


Compostable Packaging

The idea behind compostable packaging is that it won’t need to be incinerated–it does the decomposition part all by itself. At SupremeX, we carry biodegradable products that won’t overstay their welcome; they will disintegrate naturally over time. 


Reduce Pollution

The process of extracting and processing raw materials contributes to pollution. Reduce your carbon footprint by using materials that have already been processed! Sustainable packaging is made from recycled materials, so you can skip this step altogether. When you choose sustainable materials, you’ll reduce your carbon footprint and cut down on pollution. 


Eco-Friendly Packaging Materials Preserve Natural Resources

Instead of clearing more trees to make new paper and cardboard, you can use what’s already available to you–shipping materials made from recycled goods. Protect our forests by switching to recycled materials instead of consuming new resources.


It’s Good For Business!

Consumers these days are more conscious of the environment than ever. Did you know that 69% of consumers would pay more for environmentally friendly products?

It matters not just for the planet, but for your business, too. Show clients that you care about your impact on the environment, and you’ll do better in business.

People show their preferences with their dollars. Someone who’s eco-conscious is more likely to support a business that shares their philosophy. 

If you make your business a sustainable option, customers will know that by choosing your business, they’re making a choice that aligns with what’s important to them. 


Need a Sustainable Packaging Solution For Your Business?

At SupremeX, we offer a line of environmentally-friendly products. We’re committed to implementing more sustainable business practices with each passing year. To learn more about our eco-friendly packaging, contact us today!