Elevate Your Packaging Game: Custom Trays coupled with Conformer® Mailers

custom trays keep your products safely in a mailer, during shipping

Elevate Your Packaging Game: Custom Trays coupled with Conformer® Mailers Save on Mailing, Material Costs, Fulfillment Time and add an additional Branding platform.

In the world of e-commerce, mailing costs can quickly eat into your profit margins. However, as a business owner, you also understand the importance of ensuring your products arrive at their destination in perfect condition. While using pillow packs and filler materials has been a common practice to protect your items during shipping, there’s a more efficient and brand-enhancing solution—custom trays coupled with Conformer® mailers. In this blog, we’ll explore how custom trays can revolutionize your mailing strategy, save on postage, and elevate your brand image.

The Problem with Traditional Packaging

Traditional packaging methods often rely on excessive filler materials like bubble wrap, packing peanuts, or air pillows to cushion and protect products. While these materials serve their purpose, they can increase the overall package size, leading to higher shipping costs. Additionally, the excessive use of filler materials can be detrimental to the environment, contributing to waste and pollution.

Custom Trays: The Game-Changer

Custom trays are precisely designed to hold and display your products securely within a Conformer® mailer. They can be tailor-made to fit the exact dimensions of your items, eliminating the need for excessive filler materials. Here’s why custom trays are worth considering:


By using custom trays, you can significantly reduce the overall size and weight of your packages. This reduction translates to lower mailing costs, which can make a substantial difference in your bottom line, especially if you mail in large volumes.

Enhanced Product Protection

Custom trays are engineered to cradle your products snugly, preventing movement and minimizing the risk of damage during transit. Whether you’re sending fragile items, electronics, cosmetics, or any other goods, custom trays provide superior protection.


With the increasing focus on sustainability, minimizing packaging waste and utilizing sustainable materials is crucial. Custom trays help you reduce the need for excessive filler materials, making your shipping process more environmentally friendly.

Professional Branding

Custom trays offer a unique opportunity to reinforce your brand identity. You can customize the trays with your logo, brand colors, and even product information. When customers receive a package with a professionally branded tray, it enhances the unboxing experience and leaves a lasting impression.

Streamlined Packing Process

Using custom trays simplifies the packing process for your team. It eliminates the guesswork of how much filler material is needed and ensures a consistent and efficient packing process.


Custom trays are versatile and adaptable to various product shapes and sizes. Whether you sell clothing, electronics, beauty products, or gourmet foods, custom trays can be designed to suit your specific needs.

In a competitive e-commerce landscape, every aspect of your business, including packaging, plays a vital role in customer satisfaction and cost management. Custom trays coupled with Conformer® mailers offer a win-win solution by reducing shipping costs, enhancing product protection, and elevating your brand image.

So, if you’ve been looking for ways to save on shipping while maintaining the quality of your product packaging, contact SupremeX today to begin the design of your trays. They not only optimize your shipping process but also make a positive impression on your customers, setting your brand apart from the competition. Upgrade your packaging strategy with custom trays and experience the benefits firsthand.